Religious Education

Immaculate Conception Religious Education

Attendance email 
[email protected]

(for attendance purposes only)
Parents must  report a child's absence from a Religious Education class session.
Parents will be called in  accordance with Diocesan policy if no call/email has been received
pior to the beginning of class.

 Welcome to the Immaculate Conception Religious Education webpage.

Here you will find much of the information regarding our Religious Education program.  Please feel free to browse! 
Please do not hesitate to contact us via the "Staff" tab on the right with any questions you may  have.

Thank you for your continued commitment to the Faith of your children and your family.
We are blessed to be a part of it.

News and Noteworthy...

2024-2025 IC Religious Education Materials are available to the right under the "Registration" tab.

2024-2025 Class calendar


The Immaculate Conception Religious Education Office is a formational ministry serving the faith community of Immaculate Conception Parish.  It operates under the direction of Religious Education Staff with the support and advice of the Religious Education Advisory Board.  It promotes the Reign of God through life-long faith formation.  It seeks to proclaim the Word of God, foster Sacramental celebrations and worship, and further the work of justice and service.  It implements the guidelines of the National Catechetical Directory and the policies of the Diocese of Joliet.

The Blest Are We series used in our program is a spiral curriculum built on the four pillars of the catechism and is used in grades one through eight.  These four pillars of the Catholic faith are:
  The Profession of Faith – The Creed (What We Believe)
•  The Celebration of the Christian Mystery – Liturgy and Sacraments (How We Celebrate)
•  Life in Christ – Christian Morality (How We Live)
•  Christian Prayer – A Personal Relationship with God (How We Pray)

Classes are held on Wednesday evenings, 5:10-6:15 p.m. and Sunday mornings, 10:10-11:15 a.m. in the Immaculate Conception Grade School building.  Parents may choose either day for attendance.

Our Catechist/Catechist aides participate in the Religious Education Ministry and share their faith with  our young people.  As the faith of our young grows, they learn and grow as well in this truly rewarding ministry.  Our program could not be a success without them. We urge you to pray on consideration of joining this rewarding minsitry.