Welcome to IC!

  Welcome to IC!  
The 2,500 families of Immaculate Conception welcome you to your new parish!

To begin with, please complete a new parishioner registration (
click here to download the form) and return it to the Parish office at 134 Arthur Street, Elmhurst (60126) at your convenience. 

The office is open 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Thursday, Friday 8:30AM - Noon.  The main phone number is 630 530-8515.

Now that you have registered, you can learn more about your new parish here.

Learn about our grade school providing Catholic education from preschool through Eighth Grade here.

Learn about our high school, IC Catholic Prep, "Learn Lead Serve" here.

We invite you to take an active role in your new parish:
  • We welcome you to learn about and become involved in our broad Christian Service program here.
  • We hope you will get more out of Mass by becoming a Liturgical Minister; learn more here.
  • Have some musical or art talent? Welcome to our Fine Arts; learn more here.
  • Our faith education never ends; learn about our Adult Faith Formation programs here.

Again, welcome to IC!