Teens need a compass and roadmap for navigating all the relationships in their life. Thoughts and words (especially on social media) are so powerful! They can cut us down or build us up.
Students of Impact strives to equip high school teens to be in command of the way they think about themselves and others--to choose positive thoughts and words. That will overflow into the way they speak to and treat themselves and treat others!
At the December Students of Impact Gathering, teens heard that they are valuable, important, and worthy of genuine and trustworthy friendships. Scripture (especially Romans chapter 12) provides practical encouragement for how to have healthy and thriving relationships with family and friends. IC Youth Ministry guides teens in understanding and applying Scripture and the truths of our faith to become an even better friend and family member.
Please encourage your teen to invite friends and participate in the Students of Impact gatherings from 5:30-7 pm at ICCP in Costello Hall in 2022. The games are fun, the food is delicious, the people are friendly and welcoming and the topics are pracical and compelling!